5 Minute Core Workout!
Try one, two, or three rounds
- 1:00 Push-Up With Opposite arm and leg Raise
Start with both arms and legs on the floor, perform one push-up, and finish the push-up by lifting opposite arm and leg (pictured).
- :30 Single Leg Squat Right
- :30 Single Leg Squat Left
Use a bench, couch, or whatever you find stable. Shift your weight to your toes as you stand up. To modify, place your straight leg's heel on the floor to assist you as you stand up
- 1:00 Alternating Side Planks
Start with arms straight as pictured, transition to side plank on right arm, return to straight arm plank, switch to side plank on left arm
- 1:00 Jump Squats
I think the picture says it all.
- :30 Side Plank Toe Touch
You can go into the side plank either on your hand or on your forearm. Raise your upper leg towards your hand straight out in front of you. Repeat this on both sides for :30 seconds.
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