Round One Step , light weights 1.Standing on step, reverse lunge right leg w/bicep curls 2. Standing on step, reverse lunge left leg w/bicep curls 3. Alternating step ups with opposite side reach down to leg on floor 4. Right leg on floor, left leg behind on step. Squat down and reach left hand with weight behind you 5. Left leg on floor, right leg behind on step. Squat down and reach right hand with weight behind you Rou nd Two Heavy weights, mat on step 1. Hands and knees on mat, right leg fully extended perpendicular to right side, right big toe to ground. Short leg lift and touch to floor. 2. Repeat on left side. 3. Hands and knees on mat. Row with right arm 4. Repeat on opposite arm. 5. Kneeling on mat, weights in both hands. Lift rear from off of heels to straighten upper legs and body. Return to kneel. Repeat. 6. Hover plank on step twenty seconds Rou nd Thr ee Medium weights , mat , step 1. Bilateral Triceps extensions with sit up 2. Supine leg abductions...
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